Electric fence installers can save you the time and hassle of installing a temporary, above-ground or underground electric fence yourself. They can also help you choose the right type of fence for your situation, whether it’s to keep your dogs from running into the road or foxes out of your garden or chicken coop. A professional electrician or fencing contractor will be familiar with local electrical and building codes, which are crucial in ensuring your electric fence is properly installed. They can also install gates, corner posts and other accessories.
First, you need to measure the perimeter of the area you want to protect with an electric fence. This will give you a good idea of how much wire you need and how many metal stakes to lay. Then, go to a local hardware store or online to purchase the necessary materials. This will usually include a unit called an energizer, which converts electricity from a battery or solar panel into high voltage pulses that travel along the wire and only last 150 microseconds. The energizer comes in different strengths, depending on how large an area you need to cover. You will also need insulators, which hold the wire and prevent it from shorting out, and grounding materials.
Once you have the materials you need, you can start to dig the trenches where the electric fence will be. It is important that the trenches are deep enough to support the wire without collapsing it. If you are using an above-ground fence, you will also need to drill holes for the metal poles. For safety, it’s a good idea to wear rubber gloves when digging trenches.
Next, it’s time to install the actual wiring. This is where most electric fence installers get their work done, as it can be very dangerous for the untrained individual. It is recommended to use at least 12.5-gauge high tensile steel wire for permanent electric fence installations. Thinner wires will lose power over longer distances, and you may end up with a less effective fence.
When you are finished laying the wire, it is essential to check the voltage of your installation. Do this by measuring the voltage at the post that is farthest away from the energizer. This will help you determine if the voltage is strong enough to deter unwanted visitors. You can find a voltage meter at most hardware stores.
Once you’ve tested the voltage of your electric fence, it is a good idea to schedule daily checks. This will allow you to catch any problems quickly and ensure that the energizer is working effectively. If you notice a lower-voltage reading, it could indicate that the energizer is not charging the wire sufficiently or that there is some kind of interference in the system. In addition, it’s important to check for moisture and vegetation that can cause signal interference. It is also a good idea to test the grounding rods on a regular basis to make sure they are not broken or buried in dirt.